Thursday, May 7, 2009

All done.....sort of

Well, I'm finally done organizing my much as I can. I'm pretty sure it will change again. The rack with the punches were inspired by Angela or maybe I should say her husband. You can check out her blog here.

I always try to keep the door closed but once Connor knows that I went in there, he run/crawls to the room. I have a computer table from IKEA underneath the main table so that wheels out to make another crafting area.

Notice how the bottom shelves are still not filled up....and all of you know why. The bookshelves were already there so instead of reinventing the wheel I made do with what I had. It worked out really well. I made a lot of trips to IKEA and I think I have to make one more trip.


  1. You have an amazing craft room - lucky girl. One day I'll get organized enough to post some photos of mine - it's nothing as prety as yours. Enjoy your time in your new sanctuary!
